
In The Press

Local Organization Empowers Students Of Color To Advocate For Systemic Changes In Schools

Kiara Doyal for The Seattle Medium 

“The Food Empowerment Education and Sustainability Team (FEEST), an organization that empowers students to lead campaigns for culturally relevant school meals and mental health resources, is dedicated to training youth of color and working-class youth to build collective power and drive systemic changes within their schools. Rooted in food justice…”[read more…]

FEEST Empowers Students to Action Across Seattle

Ronnie Estoque for the South Seattle Emerald

“Access to affordable, healthy, culturally relevant foods in schools has always been a focus point for FEEST, an organization led by Youth of Color in South Seattle and south King County. Recently, FEEST has reassessed the curriculum they’ve taught…”[read more…]

Fostering Youth Food Justice Leadership Through New FEEST Initiative

The BK Reader

“FEEST was created in Seattle, Washington and “sets the table for young people to transform the health and equity of their community by gathering around food and working towards systems change.”[read more…]

Eat it, 2015! Food resolutions for the coming year

Seattle Times

“A few other local food-equity programs that need our time and financial support, ones that I’m resolved to tell you more about this coming year: Solid Ground, FEEST and Green Plate Special, not to mention the Rainier Valley Food Bank and others. Around here, learning about food and having enough to eat should be everyone’s right, not the privilege of only some.” [read more…]

This Food Day, Feast on FEEST

Huffington Post

“Started in Seattle in 2006, FEEST (the best acronym ever, it stands for Food Empowerment Education Sustainability Team) is a youth-driven organization that hosts weekly dinner programs where young people come together to cook and build community. But it’s not just dinner…”[read more…]

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Youth are in the lead at FEEST because we know that change is not effective unless those most impacted by health inequities are the decision makers. Support youth leadership by donating today, OR sign up for our newsletter to get the latest from FEEST!


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