All Year Long, Support Student Organizers
Do you believe in the power of youth organizing? At FEEST our Student Organizers are in the lead, making real change right now in their schools. FEEST’s roots have always been grounded in making sure all students’ needs are met. From organizing for fresh, culturally relevant, and free meals on campus to securing clean water for our schools, to establishing wellness rooms for students who need a break, youth at FEEST are striving to make our schools a vibrant learning environment where all students can thrive.
We know that successful organizing is only possible with the support of committed community members who put their beliefs into action. That’s why we invite people of all ages to the table, to share and learn from each other. When youth leaders walk into a school board meeting, they’re even more confident knowing there’s a whole community of people who support them.
If you are a fan of FEEST, of youth-led organizing, and of youth making real change in their communities, we invite you to join the Big Table, FEEST’s monthly giving program, and support youth leaders throughout their journey.
Join Your Community at the Big Table
In the spirit of community, and honoring FEEST’s food justice roots, the Big Table is the place where family and friends meet. Everyone brings what they can share, and true to the name, there’s room for everyone!
Big Table members can give anywhere between $10 and $250+ every month — whatever amount feels right for you. Every monthly gift ensures that FEEST youth leaders have support for their work all year round.

Ready to Join the Big Table?
Join the Big Table at FEEST and support youth leaders all year round.