Devon ~ Age 26

Normally adults are invited to join potluck FEEST on the last Wednesday of the month – but I had a special invitation to be here today, and I am so grateful. I am always grateful for FEEST. FEEST is a touchstone right now. I love the diligence. I love the young...

Hakeem, 15

coming to feest it was really fun i met a rad girl named Tammy it takes a lot of work we had too set up tables we had to originized chair and the food the food was so good i really liked the noodles the sauce that was on it that was spicy. i think it was kind of rice...

Robert Age 19

Though it was Grey outside, and drizzling, hearts where shining bright. Feest was healing, beautiful people beautiful food, and empowering minds. Everybody was in the kitchen helping. Though not as many people showed today, it still had that strong family feel and...

Why, What and How?

WHY FEEST? The mission of the Food Empowerment Education and Sustainability Team (FEEST) is to gather young people together to prepare and share healthy, delicious food, learn about growing food as well as provide a space for youth to become actively engaged in issues...

David Tep age: 17

F.E.E.S.T. was a great experience for me. I haven’t had a decent healthy meal since the last time I came to F.E.E.S.T. witch was months ago. I had fun helping out and I enjoyed helping the conversations. I haven’t had so much fun in so long. Until I came...