Matthew was FEEST’s stellar party planning intern in the 2011-2012 year! He juggled his involvements with soccer, Key Club, and still managed to arrive to FEEST dinners, meetings, and events extremely committed and ready to work. He was rewarded “Most Dedicated” by his fellow interns at our end of the year retreat.
One of the highlights of Matthew’s achievements this year was his project, which involved a school-wide button campaign in which students committed to making one healthy choice. Matthew wrote a compelling speech that he delivered to the Chief Sealth student body during the World Water Week assembly. Each student was then asked to commit to one healthy choice that was tied to a school club or activity, such as biking with bike club or cooking with FEEST. After making this commitment, the students were given a button (designed by Matthew to look like a Pokemon ball) to signify that they had committed to their choice. Over 600 buttons were handed out!
He was also one of our MC’s for this year’s youth summit “BOOM – Noise that Matters,” where he helped lead icebreakers and community-building activities. After being an integral part of a 3 month planning process, he and fellow host Leoma James kicked off the summit and helped keep the energy flowing into our afterparty.
Matthew continues to work his magic on the salad bar toolkit. He plays Agent Mango Chew, expert taste tester, in the promotional video which he helped to develop. Video coming soon!
Watch Matthew’s Digital Story to hear in his own words what motivates him to do this work!