On September 25, the Governor’s wife, First Lady, Trudi Inslee, invited FEEST interns to the Governor’s Mansion for an event. We were all very excited about this opportunity to meet with the Mrs. Inslee, but also very nervous. Because of our nervousness and excitement we took time to prepare ourselves by writing a small speeches, practicing introducing ourselves, and advocating our concerns in our community. We all just really wanted things to go well and help make a change in our communities.
When we first arrived we taken aback at how small the gathering was but later found out FEEST was the only group invited! We joined the group that was being led by the gardener. He was talking about the vegetables, then pulled us under the tent and started going into more details about it. He talked about how cutting a few or all the leaves off a vegetable but leaving all the roots in would allow the plant to keep growing. I didn’t know about that and I’m sure a few people learned something new. He also gave us our very own seeds to start our own garden which I thought was awesome!
When we rotated to the next tent the sweet smell of corn lingered in the air, excited we stood there as a chef made a dish with the freshly picked vegetables. He first made a salad with carrots and cucumbers; it was really good, the dressing he put on it was tangy, sweet and savory. Then, he pulled out corn out from the grill around him and the sweet smell of it intensified, it was sweet and juicy; the best corn I’ve ever have tasted. While we were eating, a few of our interns started to talk to Mrs.Inslee, they introduced themselves and talked about what FEEST is and what we do. She told us that they could call if they ever needed something

Executive Director Cristina Orbe, Interns
Fatma, Halimah and Salma and First Lady, Trudi Inslee in the Mansion’s dining room.
After we got done eating, Mrs.Inslee invited us to her home. When I first saw it I thought it was simply beautiful. When we stepped inside, the first thing we saw was the stairs that lead to this old grandfather clock. She gave us a tour showing us the library, which she said was one of her husband’s favorite rooms. She took us to the dining room which had this beautiful glass chandelier hanging over it, then into a room with this grand piano that she let me play! The keys moved effortlessly and it sounded beautiful, when we moved upstairs we got to see where they mostly spent their days. They had their own living quarters upstairs. She even showed is a picture of when President Obama came and met with them. At the end of the tour, she told us that she would love for us to come back again.
It was such a great experience and it was amazing! I’m so grateful that we were given such an amazing opportunity, Fatma, my fellow intern said, “The experience was great because not only did we get to see the Governor’s garden and some of small meals they eat, but we also got a tour of their house and got to see how the Governor lived. I was amazed that out of the whole house only one floor belonged to them and have their personal area. Overall it was an amazing experience and was really amazing to know that most part of the house is a museum!” I would like to thank Mrs.Inlsee for inviting us and having us as guest in her home.