Photos in this post from a June 3, 2020 rally in Seattle protesting the police murder of George Floyd. Photos by Jordan Martinez.

FEEST is an organization led by youth of color in South Seattle and South King County working to improve holistic health in our schools. We are by and for community, meaning we are in support of the self-determination, freedom and autonomy of some of our most marginalized community members: Black men, women, Queer and Trans folks. While the police state exists, the health of Black people are at risk. Improving the health of our communities begins by supporting Black Liberation, which will lead to collective liberation. 

We believe in the leadership and vision of young people.  We believe Black Lives Matter, and we believe that it is not enough to just say that without a call to action.  Therefore, we are asking our community to participate in the following demands and actions in support of Black life, Black futures, and Black Liberation.

FEEST calls on the City of Seattle to: 

  • DEFUND the Seattle Police Department and pull police officers out of all schools
  • REDIRECT SPD’s budget into community led organizations, schools, health care, social services, etc.
  • STOP prosecuting protesters, particularly youth

Here are ways you can get involved from home:

In solidarity with other community organizations, we are calling on our FEEST Family, institutions, and organizations with influence to make these demands of the government and to utilize these resources to move us closer to Black Liberation. Everyone can, and should, participate in this movement. How are you making your city safer for Black people?


In solidarity,

The FEEST Team