My Time at F.E.E.S.T
Honestly.. I never knew about Youngstown or any of the activities that were going on there. My friend, Khatsini, convinced me that I should stay for the F.E.E.S.T when I had surprised her one day in early August. So i said hey why not. I didn’t really know what to expect or what I should be doing. I was a little uncomfortable at first, but everyone was so cool and chill and open that, no one should feel uncomfortable. F.E.E.S.T was truly a blessing for me, because it brought me closer to people I didn’t know, especially in a time when things weren’t going well in life. Youngstown is definitely a place I can call home. This is only my fourth time coming to F.E.E.S.T, but I will be coming to many more and hopefully partake in other activities as well. Hopefully I can cook my famous eggs.. or just make cereal for everyone.. hmm or maybe grits! 🙂 But to end this, F.E.E.S.T is definitely one of the best things to if you’re trying to get to know new people, meet up with friends, express yourself freely, etc. By the way, you’ve got me hooked! You’ll definitely see me around. Peace!