today at feast it was really fun you learn so many skills and different ways to make foods. today we made salad,pasta,pesto,and baked potatoes and fried bananas with apples. we used black pepper salt,red pepper, red & sweet potatoes. this is an amazing way to learn how to make food and also meet new people and every one is very supportive and caring for one another. You should really consider joining you wont regret it.
You will love creating different types of food, your own food. you create what you want. you create without fears you just plan it, cook it and eat it!!.
we started confused and wondering what to create but then we just randomly started saying different ideas. we choose a few to create. we got into our groups and started the cutting and mixing stuff together. then we started to cook it. we had a great experience we all just created an edible beauty and it was good tasting. we all sat down and shared everyones plate. we were happy to start eating and enjoy each others creation.